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German Real Estate Dialogue - #GRED25

€ 2,295.00
German Real Estate Dialogue - #GRED25

German Real Estate Dialogue (GRED) 2025 – Das exklusive Gipfeltreffen der Immobilienbranche

Bitte klicken Sie auf den blauen Titel der Veranstaltung hier oben, um weitere Details zu sehen. 

Am 11. November 2025 lädt der German Real Estate Dialogue nach Frankfurt ein, um die führenden Köpfe der deutschen und internationalen Immobilienwirtschaft zusammenzubringen.

In einem exquisiten Club-Format, das auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Investoren abgestimmt ist, erleben Sie eine einzigartige Atmosphäre für tiefgehende Gespräche und bedeutungsvolle professionelle Verbindungen.


German Real Estate Dialogue (GRED) 2025 – The Premier Summit of the Real Estate Elite

Please click on the blue title of this event to view more details.

On 11th November 2025, the German Real Estate Dialogue cordially invites you to Frankfurt, bringing together the leading minds of the German and international real estate sectors.

Set within an exclusive, club-like atmosphere, meticulously tailored to the unique needs of investors, this event offers a singular opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and forge valuable connections.


Global Infrastructure Dialogue #GID25

06-04-2025 - 06-05-2025
€ 2697 Early Spring Rate
Global Infrastructure Dialogue #GID25

Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2025: Shaping the Future of Real Assets Investment

For more information about the event click on the blue title of the Event at the top to view more details.

The Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2025 (GID25), set against the sophisticated backdrop of Sofitel Opera in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 4th and 5th, offers a premier gathering for senior decision-makers in the realm of real assets. This exclusive event serves as a global forum, bringing together the most influential players in infrastructure—from seasoned investors and asset managers to lenders, developers, and policymakers.

As the landscape of infrastructure continues to evolve, GID 25 provides a unique platform for participants to engage in interactive sessions, one-on-one meetings, and intimate fireside chats. This dialogue is not merely an exchange of ideas; it represents a strategic opportunity to shape the future of investment in vital sectors that underpin our global economy.


For email enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Global Infrastructure Dialogue #GID24

09-19-2024 - 09-20-2024
€ 2897 Summer Rate+
Global Infrastructure Dialogue #GID24

The Event for senior decision makers in real assets: Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2024 will take place on 19th - 20th September in Frankfurt, Germany

 For more information about the event click on the title at the top to view more details.

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The Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2024 will take place on 19th - 20th September in Frankfurt and brings together even more global senior movers and shakers of the infrastructure and energy industry, covering western regions as well as growth markets.

Senior decision makers joining the Event cover areas such as: AI, NextGen, ESG, NetZero, Impact Investing, Private Debt, Private Equity, Real Estate, Timberland, Insurance & Risks, Venture Capital, new industry-trends, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Waste-to-Energy, Transportation, Digital Infrastructure, Equity Investments, Debt Investments, Project Finance, New tech developments, Climate Change, Energy, Gas and Biogas, EV charging, Mining, as well as New Nuclear, Emerging Markets, Investments in EMEA and CEE as well as Africa and North America. 


For email enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


The Americas Infrastructure Dialogue - #AmericasID2024

01-25-2024 12:30 pm - 01-26-2024 5:30 pm
The Americas Infrastructure Dialogue - #AmericasID2024

The Americas Infrastructure Dialogue 2024 (NYC) will take place on the 25th and 26th of January as an in-person event bringing together the decision makers, LPs and GPs, in infrastructure & energy in the region. 

For more information about the event click on the title at the top to view more details.

gid2024 banner


Global- and local leaders in infrastructure have the opportunity to get together in a series of interactive sessions and 1:1 meetings in the exclusive Dialogue-Club. 

Global leaders, including investors, lenders, developers, owners and policy makers will be discussing the latest trends in infrastructure in the US, Canada, Latin America and abroad. 

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


Global Infrastructure & Energy Dialogue Summit #GID23

06-15-2023 - 06-16-2023
Global Infrastructure & Energy Dialogue Summit #GID23

Save the date: The Event for senior decision makers in real assets: Global Infrastructure & Energy Dialogue 2023 will take place on 15th - 16th June in Frankfurt, Germany

 For more information about the event click on the title at the top to view more details.

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The Global Infrastructure & Energy Summit Dialogue 2023 will take place on 15th - 16th June in Frankfurt and brings together even more global senior movers and shakers of the infrastructure and energy industry, covering western regions as well as growth markets.

GID 2023 provides a forum for global decision makers in infrastructure to get together in a series of interactive sessions, 1:1 meetings and fire-side chats. Senior investors, asset managers, lenders, developers and policy makers will be discussing the latest global trends in infrastructure and energy. As LNG and methanol investments are set to surge in the upcoming years, they will also be key topics at this year’s edition.

Join #GID23 now to find out more and to establish new and meaningful business contacts and find out where future opportunities are. Furthermore, debt- and equity infrastructure will be discussed and many other themes. 


For email enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


Global Infrastructure & Energy Dialogue - #GID22

09-14-2022 - 09-15-2022
€ 3,015.00
Global Infrastructure & Energy Dialogue - #GID22

The Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2022 will take place on 14th - 15th September in Frankfurt and brings together the senior movers and shakers of the infrastructure industry. 

GID 2022 provides a forum for global decision makers in infrastructure to get together in a series of interactive sessions, 1:1 meetings and fire-side chats. Senior investors, asset managers, lenders, developers and policy makers will be discussing the latest global trends in infrastructure. Among the topics covered will be the latest investment strategies in debt- and equity, investment opportunities in energy, the energy transition, hydrogen, Tech & Telco and transport infrastructure, ESG as well as insights from developers that secured funding for mature- and emerging markets.


Gershon Cohen, Global Head of Infrastructure Funds, abrdn, London, UK:

“Infrastructure Dialogue brings together industry leaders, opinion formers and practitioners in an innovative format in which the delegates actively engage with the program participants in a productive environment.”


Ankit Metha, former Director and employee at Future Fund, Australia (now with H.R.L. Morrison, Australia): 

"The Dialogue Capital event was a useful way to discuss current themes in infrastructure investing with a broad range of market participants. The Boardroom format allowed a thoughtful and candid discussion with all participants." 


Join #GID22 now to establish new and meaningful business contacts and find out where future opportunities are. Furthermore, debt- and equity infrastructure will be discussed and many other themes.

For email enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


The Americas Infrastructure Dialogue - #AmericasID2022

05-24-2022 10:00 am -6:30 pm
$ 2,700.00
The Americas Infrastructure Dialogue - #AmericasID2022

The Americas Infrastructure Dialogue 2022 (NYC) will take place on 24th May 2022 as an in-person event bringing together the decision makers in infrastructure in the region. An exciting new opportunity to get even better connected! 


Global leaders in infrastructure have the opportunity to get together in a series of interactive sessions and 1:1 meetings in the exclusive Dialogue-Club. 

Senior industry experts, including investors, lenders, developers, owners and policy makers will be discussing the latest trends in infrastructure in the US, Canada, Latin America and abroad as well as the impact of COVID-19 on the asset class. 







Will Devenney, Head of Infrastructure Debt, Europe, Legal & General Investment Management, London: 

“I really enjoyed the event - the content and debates were very interesting, and it is really well coordinated. [...] The format works very well - encouraging so many people to engage and lots of constructive debate. The proportion of people actively engaging in the sessions is really high.”


Henry Cisneros, Chairman, American Triple I Partners: 

“The Event 'Americas Infrastructure Dialogue' was the best of its kind I have attended.  I especially liked the arrangement of the rooms for maximum dialogue and the working session ambiance. The collegial size of participation in each room and the stature of the participants made for informed discussion and productive exchanges. [...] Thank you for inviting me and for making it possible for me to participate. [...] I believe we are entering a Golden Era of infrastructure investing as nations seek to modernize and expand critical infrastructure. You are contributing to that process in a significant way.”

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


German Real Estate Dialogue - #GRED2021

€ 2,495.00
German Real Estate Dialogue - #GRED2021

Der German Real Estate Dialogue (GRED) 2021 wird am 17. September in Frankfurt stattfinden und bringt die Elite der Entscheidungstraeger der Immobilienbranche in Deutschland und aus dem Ausland zusammen. 

Das Format sowie das Programm sind informell und clubby und auf individuelle Beduerfnisse der Investoren zugeschnitten.

Das Programm bietet viele Moeglichkeiten fuer 1:1 Meetings, Kaminfeuer-Treffen und weitere flexible Netwoerking-Optionen mit den anderen Senior-Vertretern der Branche: Investoren, Finanzierer und Projektentwicklern. 

Seien Sie dabei und bringen Sie sich in die Debatten zum Thema deutsche Immobilien jetzt ein!  

Wir freuen uns auf Sie in Frankfurt.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Das Dialogue Capital Team




The German Real Estate Dialogue (GRED) 2021 will take place on the 17th of September in Frankfurt and brings together the senior elite of the German and international real estate industry.

We provide a forum for international decision makers in real estate to get together in a series of interactive sessions, 1:1 meetings and fire-side chats. Senior industry experts, including investors, lenders, developers and policy makers will be discussing the latest local and global trends in real estate.

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


Global Infrastructure Dialogue - #GID21

09-13-2021 - 09-14-2021
Global Infrastructure Dialogue - #GID21

The Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2021 will take place on 13th - 14th September in Frankfurt and brings together the movers and shakers of the infrastructure industry. 

GID 2021 provides a forum for global decision makers in infrastructure to get together in a series of interactive sessions, 1:1 meetings and fire-side chats. Senior investors, asset managers, lenders, developers and policy makers will be discussing the latest global trends in infrastructure.

Among the topics covered will be the latest investment strategies in debt- and equity, investment opportunities in energy, Tech & Telco and transport infrastructure as well as insights from developers that secured funding for mature- and emerging market projects.

How deep has been the impact of C-19 on the asset class? What sectors have managed to bounce back quickly? Where are new investment opportunities worth considering? How sustainable are certain investments? What risk/return profiles are realistic?

Join us now to establish new and meaningful business contacts and find out where future opportunities are. 

Email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!


Digital Global Infrastructure Dialogue - #GID2020

12-08-2020 - 12-09-2020
€ 2,495.00
Digital Global Infrastructure Dialogue - #GID2020

The Digital Global Infrastructure Dialogue 2020 will take place on the 8th - 9th of December (CET) and brings together the senior elite of the infrastructure industry. 

Unusual times require a different approach. We therefore will offer the best  solution: a digital experience of the event. 

We provide a forum for international decision makers in infrastructure to get together in a series of interactive sessions, 1:1 meetings and fire-side chats. Senior industry experts, including investors, lenders, developers and policy makers will be discussing the latest global trends in infrastructure.

Among the topics covered will be the latest investment strategies and bidding tactics, investment opportunities in energy, Tech & Telco and transport infrastructure as well as insights from developers that secured funding for mature- and emerging market projects. What's the impact of the pandemic on the asset class? 


We are no longer accepting registrations for this event. See you at the next edition!